Wednesday, April 17, 2013

New PALEO Shirt...

Cavemen all over are wearing the new "Paleo" T-shirt design shown below, only at our Cafepress store! And Women like 'em, too.

Order yours in almost any size or color from

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Stepping Up to the Plate...

We're happy to announce the sale of two "New Paleo" Art pieces to the nice folks at Chico's Pizza in Long Beach, California.  These are among the first we've offered online.  Way to go Chico's!

 A cave if there ever was one.

It seems appropriate that artwork emblazoned onto a paper plate would fit in well at a restaurant.  You could eat a meal off this artwork, but we wouldn't advise it.  Future Paleontologists might get a little angry.

The auctioned piece titled "Rhino Rider".

We hope it will go on display for the public at Chico's.  These plates are actually durable plastic and come with hangers already attached to the back.  They look great on the wall and sure attract attention and comment.

We're offering more Neo-Paleo Art through the new Etsy Store Paleo Dreamtime

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


"Paleo" is hot right now.  There are magazines, websites, blogs and expensive conferences.  The majority of these are concerned with two things: Diet and Exercise.  Six-pack bellies and tasty food menus are everywhere.  But there's more to learn from our ancestors in the distant past, hence this blog.

Unique "Paleo" artwork created for sale on Etsy

If we call natural world "The Biosphere",  then our world of machinery and money is "The Technosphere".  The latter lives off the former, and rarely gives anything back to it. And, it's this obsession we have with the Technosphere that is dangerous. It literally puts us into a trance state.  Money creates machines creates money creates machines while our living habitat deteriorates.

 Do you know who you are?

Primitive people, defined by us as not having technology or money, nonetheless have much to teach, and one way is by Ritual.   We've all seen tribal rituals with dancing, drumming and body painting, and some may regard these activities as quaint but pointless--essentially meaningless superstition.  But we have our own defining rituals even though we may not consciously accept them as such.

Do you recognize this as a portable shrine?

A tribesman conferring with ancestors through ritual is reinforcing a connection with the Universe, via Time, Space and Life.  But we, by getting up each morning and turning on electronic devices, basically in worship of them, and then downing a sacrament of hot coffee to go out into the Technosphere to hunt wild Money, is no less a ritual, because it too effectively defines who we are.

But we can create new rituals to define ourselves, or, we may borrow older ones.

More on this topic soon...